Arts & Crafts in the Garden
A new addition for this year which we hope will be a regular fixture!

Pottering about!
Winnifred Wright from The Wave, who runs pottery classes as well as her lovely shop, was on hand in her pottery to guide festival-goers who didn’t mind getting their hands dirty through a taster of the pottery process.
Making small items from clay slabs, they took a photograph of their finished masterpiece but, in the interests of sustainability, the clay was recycled for someone else to have a go!
It was all fun, but someone might just have caught the pottery bug…
Design your own Print!
Catrin Jeans, a local community artist, gave festival crowds the chance to design their own postcards using traditional printmaking techniques.
Printmaking goes back thousands of years and, while digital printing has now almost completely taken over, there is always a place for creative printmaking in art.
All ages had a go and, as you can see, there were some pretty impressive results.
And it was all free!